Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con has a sold out Artist Alley which has been capped at just over 200 spaces. In the weeks leading up to the 5th annual Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con this June, our staff will spotlight some of the best names- from fan favorites to best kept secrets attending this year’s event-
JIM KRUEGER is the Eisner Award Winning writer for JUSTICE, a New York Times Best Seller. He Also wrote the EARTH X Trilogy for Marvel with partner Alex Ross. Other work include Avengers/Invaders, X-Men, Batman and Star Wars. His original work includes innovative FOOT SOLDIERS.

TYLER KIRKHAM is a fan favorite artist from Utah. He came up through the Top Cow Studio System, drawing a number of their titles including Darkness and Tomb Raider. For DC Comics he has worked on the Green Lanter, franchise, along with Titans and Deathstroke. Recently he has taken his talents to the vendor KRS Comics where he has produced a number of exclusive covers for Marvel Comics.

NATALI SANDERS is another artist alley favorite, coming to the con compliments for KRS Comics. She has drawn covers for Zenescope, BDI, and Aspen MLT. Recently she completed an Exclusive Gamora Painting for Guardians of Galaxy for Marvel Comics.

RYAN KINKADE is a favorite on the comic con circuit. His hard work for the fans has earned him a reputation as the best value commission artist, working in ink and Copic Markers.
AMAZING LAS VEGAS COMIC CON is Nevada’s premiere pop culture event, taking place June 23-24-25, 2017. The event returns to the Las Vegas Convention Center bigger than ever before with the very best creators and media personalities in the world, with local favorites from the Las Vegas Community, extensive programming, an International Artist Alley, and the Wizards of Cosplay.
Tickets for Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con are ON SALE NOW. Single Day Tickets, Full 3day Admission, and a Limited Number of VIP Packages are still available.
Kids 10 and Under are ALWAYS FREE at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con!
Instagram: @AmazingComicCon