SKIP THE LINE! VIP & Upgrade Early Pick Up This Thursday!

For those who have a VIP or Upgrade ticket, we have good news for you! Skip the ticketing line this weekend and pick up your tickets and goodies early! This THURSDAY, September 15 starting at 6:00pm, and continuing until 7:30pm at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the Amazing Team will be located on the Second Floor, in room 222 in the SOUTH HALL (a change from our last few shows over in the North Hall), and our staff will have each package ready for distribution. You can pick up your gift bags, your badges, and wristbands.
As our convention continues to grow, we want to try to eliminate the bottle neck at the VIP Counter during the regular box office hours. If you can't make it to the EARLY PICK-UP, we will still have your package available during regular box office hours:
Friday, September 16 1pm-8pm
Saturday, September 17 8am-7pm
Sunday, September 18 8am-6pm
During Early Pick-up, Premium Ticket Holders will also be the first to pick up Convention Exclusives, T-Shirts, and the Mystery Boxes. A limited merchandise section will be available for cash and credit card transactions. Also, any additional Vips and Packages that are not sold out can be purchased in person starting at the Thursday session.
Tickets for Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con are ON SALE NOW Single Day, Full 3day Admissions, and a limited number of VIP Experiences are available. LOOK for NEW VIP and Premium Upgrades too! At the Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con is the best value fan expo event- Kids 10 and under are ALWAYS Free!
For Updated information about the Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con, be sure to follow us on social media:
Instagram @AmazingComicCon
Twitter @AmazingComicCon
The family at Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con looks forward to seeing you THIS COMING WEEK- September 16-17-18 at the Las Vegas Convention Center!